Dr. Man Cho and Dr. Priya Parthasarathy Featured in APMA Spring Video Campaign

Many people are not aware that the condition of their feet can serve as an early warning sign of larger issues. As part of the APMA Spring Campaign Video series, various topics within Podiatric Medicine are discussed. This episode in the series titled “My Podiatrist Saved my Life”, featuring Dr. Man Cho, discusses vascular disease and diagnosis. Dr. Cho discusses a consultation with a patient experiencing swollen toes that led to the identification of something far more serious and subsequently leading to the patient receiving treatment that ultimately saved his life. Click the video below to watch this informative piece.


In this episode, Dr. Priya Parthasarathy briefly explains the cause-and-effect  relationship between diabetes,  indicators to help people recognize when to seek help and tips on diabetes management. We hope you enjoy the video.